A man living in Australia came to see me


2019年12月29日 12:50

A man who has lived in Australia visited meーour Jukuー
with his familyーhis wife and a daughter about a week ago.

His face looked vivid.
He has been working as a car's mechanic in Perth
of Australiaーwesternmost Australia.

I hear that the city is the most beautiful city in the world
and a comfortable city to live in.

He was given the right of permanet residence there.
by the immigration office around two months ago.

So, his family will go to Australia to live there in a few months
after his leaving Japan.

He studied English here at our Juku to learn it for three or
four months about three years ago.

After that, he migrated from Japan to Australia and studied English
further and continued to work as a car's mechanic there again.

I greatly hope that his family will be happy there in the future.
May they be happy!

Good luck.



面積 6,418平方km
人口 1,740,000人(都市の中心部の人口9,000人と検索サイト
に記載されていました)(2011年) 西オーストラリア州の州都
