Blossoms of ume trees


It has been very cold for a few weeks, and Japanese apricot trees
have blossomed out and have kept blossoming
since the last middle ten days in January.

Ume trees mean Japanese apricot ( plum ) trees in English 

There are two ume trees in my garden. .
One is white color, the other is light pink.

I think cherry blossoms are a little loud and gorgeous,
but blossoms of Japanese apricot trees are quiet and plain.

My late mother loved many kinds of flowes,
of course, blossoms of cherry trees or those of Japanese plum trees

Those have been past at those best.

It is still cold today.

I often feel that time flies like an arrow.
Time is important.

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Posted by 福岡桃太郎 at 20:26│Comments(1)English

flowes → flowers
Posted by 福岡桃太郎福岡桃太郎 at 2013年02月18日 00:36