
英 和 塾

Eiwajuku is a professional English school in South Ward, Fukuoka City.
This school is “ for a person who wants to get good marks at school, pass 
an examination, and be good at English.”

“ Students!Join us, please!”
“ Students preparing for an examination!”

We'll powerfully support you so that you can pass many kinds of school,
for example, junior high school, high school, college, university, vocational
school, and the like , with love and strictness.

We're positively accepting work of an interpreter and a translator.

We welcome a person who'll join our school from a long distance.

“ Persons who study throughout their lives will be able to live a full life”

At comments, You can ask us the English you can't understand as a
questioner without your real name.


 謹賀新年 (2022-01-01 16:09)
 新しいホームページⅡ (2013-02-17 02:33)
 新しいホームページ (2013-02-15 17:14)
 チラシ配り (2009-05-24 20:46)
 来たれ大学受験生! (2008-06-15 16:18)
 今日は6月1日 (2008-06-01 10:20)

Posted by 福岡桃太郎 at 20:25│Comments(3)英和塾について

上から3行目のan examination, and be good at Englishを → an examination, or be good at English に。
and を or に訂正します。
Posted by 福岡桃太郎福岡桃太郎 at 2008年04月17日 20:39
Posted by えいご太郎 at 2008年04月17日 22:08

Thank you for your Japanese comment.
I'll try hard to improve my English.
Posted by 福岡桃太郎福岡桃太郎 at 2008年04月18日 13:00